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akg598831 Hartung, Anne (geb. Sacher); Mutter des Berliner Mode-und Theaterzeichners Gerd Hartung (1913-2003); (...).-Porträt (mit Blumenhut).-Atelierfoto, Juni 1908 (Karlsbad), von dem K.u.K. Hof-und Kammerfotografen Carl Pietzner.
akg571652 Hofmannsthal, Hugo von. 1.2.1874 (Wien) - 15.7.1929 (Rodaun). Dichter. Werke: "Jedermann" (1911). - Rollenbilder einer Berliner Aufführung. Zeichnung, undat.; von Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Bleistift auf Papier 29,7 x 21 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg570237 Shaffer, Peter; brit. Dramatiker; geb. 1926. Werke: Amadeus (1979). Aufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater, 1981 (Insz.: Klaus Emmerich): Franz Graf Orsini-Rosenberg (Georg Corten). Zeichnung, 1981; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg571961 William Shakespeare. 1564-1614. Works: Henry VIII (1613). Scenes of a Berlin Theatre performance: Paul Esser as Henry VIII and others. Drawing, undated; By Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt tip pen on paper 21 × 29.7 cm. Private collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us for more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg570003 Shakespeare, William. 1564-1614. Werke:. Komödie der Irrungen (The Comedy of Errors; c. 1592/93). Aufführung Berlin, Freie Volksbühne, 1983 (Insz.: Werner Schroeter; Darst.: Peter Kern, Rainer Will, Eva Schuckardt, Ellen Umlauf u. a.): Szene. Zeichnung, 1983; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg563126 Shakespeare, William ; 1564-1614. Oeuvre : A Midsummer Night's-Dream-Le songe d'une nuit d'été. (1595). Représentation au Schiller-Theater, Berlin (mise en scène : Klaus Emmerich): Puck (Georg Corten), Zettel (Horst Bollmann). et Titania (Nicole Heesters). Dessin de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg569481 Shaw, George Bernard; engl.-irisch. Schriftsteller; 1856-1950. Werke: Der Arzt am Scheideweg (The Doctor's Dilemma; UA London 1906). Aufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater, 1957 (Insz.: Heinrich Koch): Szene mit Walter Franck und Ernst Sattler. Zeichnung, 1957; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Bleistift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg569437 Shaw, George Bernard; engl.-irisch. Schriftsteller; 1856-1950. Werke: Der Arzt am Scheideweg (The Doctor's Dilemma; UA London 1906). Aufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater, 1957 (Insz.: Heinrich Koch): Szene mit Walter Franck und Ernst Sattler. Zeichnung, undat.; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg567556 Shaffer, Anthony; brit. Schriftsteller und Drehbuchautor; 1926-2001. Werke:. Revanche (Sleuth; 1970). Aufführung Berlin, Theater am Kurfürstendamm, 1991. (Insz.: Horst Kreppel): Szene mit Andrew Wyke (Rolf Henniger) und Milo Tindle. (Wolf Roth). Zeichnung, 1991; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg563446 Shakespeare, William; 1564-1614. Werke:. A Midsummer Night's-Dream - Ein Sommernachtstraum (1595). Aufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater (Insz.: Hans Neuenfels; Darst.: Elisabeth Trissenaar, Stefan Wieland, Henry Arnold u. a.):. Szenenbild. Zeichnung, 1993; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift und Wasserfarben auf Papier, 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg569056 King, Philip; brit. Schriftsteller; 1904. -1979; und Cary, Falkland L., brit. Schriftsteller. Werke: Die Maus (Big Bad Mouse). Aufführung Berlin, Hansa-Theater, 1980 (Insz.: Gerd Potyka):. Szenenbild mit Harold Hopkins (Santiago Ziesmer). Zeichnung, 1980; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filz- und Bleistift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg569058 King, Philip; brit. Schriftsteller; 1904. -1979; und Cary, Falkland L., brit. Schriftsteller. Werke: Die Maus (Big Bad Mouse). Aufführung Berlin, Hansa-Theater, 1980 (Insz.: Gerd Potyka):. Szenenbild mit Mr. Bloome (Buddy Elias). - / Zeichnung, 1980; von Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Filz- und Bleistift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg567873 Dyer, Charles; brit. Dramatiker, geb. 1928. Werke: Unter der Treppe. (Staircase; 1966). Aufführung Berlin, Theater am Kurfürstendamm, 1996. (Insz.: Peter Löscher; Darst.: Peter Striebeck, Ulrich Wildgruber, Andreas Becker u. a.): Szene. Zeichnung, 1996; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg567902 Spier, Wolfgang; dt. Regisseur und Schauspieler; geb. 1920. Werke:. Frühstück bei Rififi (Lustspiel von Wolfgang Spier und Pit Fischer). Aufführung Berlin, Theater am Kurfürstendamm, 1991 (Insz.: Wolfgang Spier): Szenenbild. Zeichnung, 1991. von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filz- und Bleistift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg559194 Roland Petit; French dancer, choreographer and ballet director; Villemoble (Seine-Saint-Denis). 13.1.1924 - Geneva 10.7.2011. /. Works: Notre-Dame de Paris (ballet after Victor Hugo, music: Michel Jarre, UA Paris, 1974). Performance German Opera Berlin, 1988 (Ins. / Choreogr.: R. Petit): T. van Cauwenbergh as Quasimodo. Drawing, 1988; By Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt tip pen on paper 21 × 29.7 cm. Private collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg558830 Wolfgang Rihm; composer; born 1952. Works: Tutuguri (ballet, commissioned by the Deutsche Oper Berlin, written by Moses Pendleton and Peter Maeck after Antonin Artaud, premiered 1982). World Premiere, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Nov. 12, 1982 (choreographer: M. Pendleton): Scene. Drawing, 1982, by Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt tip pen on paper 21 × 29.7 cm. Private collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg563941 Peter Hacks; Writer; 1928-2003. Works: The Jahrmarktfest to Plundersweilern (after J. W. v. Goethe, 1973). Performance Berlin, Tribune, 1977 (Inscribed.: K. Sonnenschein / K.-H. Grewe, Darst.: I. Wellmann, H. Pinnow, H. Schultheis, H. Münzer): Scene picture. Drawing, 1977; By Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt tip pen on paper 21 × 29.7 cm. Private collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg563914 Peter Hacks; Writer; 1928-2003. Works: The Jahrmarktfest to Plundersweilern (after J. W. v. Goethe, 1973). Performance Berlin, Tribune, 1977 (Inscribed.: K. Sonnenschein / K.-H. Grewe, Darst.: I. Wellmann, H. Pinnow, H. Schultheis, H. Münzer): Scene picture. Drawing, 1977; By Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt tip pen on paper 21 × 29.7 cm. Private collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg565648 Jean Marais; French actor, 1913-1998. Works: Cocteau-Marais (Jean Marais and Jean-Luc Tardieu after the work of Jean Cocteau, premiered Paris 1983). Performance Berlin, Renaissance Theatre, 1986: Character Jean Marais. Drawing, 1986, by Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt tip pen on paper 21 × 29.7cm. Private collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg462831 Mode: Pelz, Deutschland, 1987. Damenmode: "Kalbfell in Stutzerform, verdeckte Leiste, senfgelb". (Entwurf für CB-Schnittmuster-Kollektion der Zeitschrift "Pelzspiegel", Heft 2, 1987). Zeichnung von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Privatsammlung. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg452801 Fashion:. Ladies' fashion, Germany, 1945. Spring fashion (designs for Gehringer & Glupp, Berlin (No. 1,2,4,5) and Horn, Berlin, (no. 3,6). Gouache, undated, by Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Private collection. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg558649 Mussorgsky, Modest Petrowitch; Russian composer; 1839-1881. Works: Boris Godunov (opera; libr. after Puschkin and Karamazin; UA 1874). Performance at the Deutsche Oper Berlin, 1938, staging:. G.R.Sellner, cond. G.Albrecht):. production design. Drawing, 1938, by G.Hartung (1913-2003). Felt tip pen on paper, 21 × 29.7 cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: GERD HARTUNG. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg563997 Schiller, Friedrich von, 1759-1805. Oeuvre : Cabale et Amour (ou Intrigue et Amour ; Kabale und Liebe, 1784). - Représentation à la Freie Volksbühne de Berlin, 1979 (mise-en-scène: Wilfried Minks ; comédiens : Klaus Höhne, Michael Tanneberger, Volker Spengler, Ulla Berkewicz, Andras Fricsay, entre autres). : scène. Dessin, 1979 ; de Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg558914 Béjart, Maurice ; danseur et chorégraphe français ; 1927 - 2007. Oeuvre : Ring um den Ring (ballet ; mise-en-scène : P. Godefroid, M. Béjart ; musique : R. Wagner ; 1re Berlin 1990). Première Deuschte Oper Berlin, 7 mars 1990 : scène avec Brünnhilde, Wotan, entre autres. Dessin, 1990 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre et aquarelle sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg558924 Béjart, Maurice ; danseur et chorégraphe français ; 1927 - 2007. Oeuvre : Ring um den Ring (ballet ; mise-en-scène : P. Godefroid, M. Béjart ; musique : R. Wagner ; 1re Berlin 1990). Première Deuschte Oper Berlin, 7 mars 1990 : scène avec Wotan, entre autres. Dessin, 1990 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre et aquarelle sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg571385 Loewe, Frederick (born Friedrich Löwe), American composer; 1901-1988; and Lerner, Alan Jay; American author and lyricist; 1918-1986. Works:. My Fair Lady (UA New York 1956). Berlin production (Theater des Westens). 1961: Scene. Drawing, 1961; by Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Pencil on paper 29,7 × 21 cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571756 Cocteau, Jean ; poète et réalisateur français ; 1889-1963. Oeuvre : Bacchus (1952). Représentation au Schlosspark-Theater de Berlin, 1953 (mise-en-scène : H. Käutner ; comédiens : Johanna Wichmann, Ernst Deutsch, Erich Schellow, Paul Wagner, Harry Wüstenhagen.) : Bacchus. Dessin, 1953 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Crayon sur papier, H. 0,297 ; L. 0,21. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571722 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim ; critique, poète et philosophe allemand ; 1729-1781. Oeuvre : Nathan le Sage (Nathan der Weise, poème dramatique (1779). - Représentation au Schiller-Theater de Berlin, 1955 (miseen-scène : K. H. Stroux ; comédiens : Ernst Deutsch, Sebastian Fischer, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1955 . de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Crayon sur papier, H. 0,297 ; L. 0,21. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571773 Raimund, Ferdinand; österr. Schauspieler u. Dramatiker; 1790-1836. Werke: Der Alpenkönig und der Menschenfeind (UA Wien 1826). Szenenbild einer Berliner Theateraufführung. Zeichnung, undat.; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filz- und Bleistiftauf Papier 29,7 × 21cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571755 Cocteau, Jean ; poète et réalisateur français ; 1889-1963. Oeuvre : Bacchus (1952). Représentation au Schlosspark-Theater de Berlin, 1953 (mise-en-scène : H. Käutner ; comédiens : Johanna Wichmann, Ernst Deutsch, Erich Schellow, Paul Wagner, Harry Wüstenhagen.) : Bacchus. Dessin, 1953 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Crayon sur papier, H. 0,297 ; L. 0,21. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571721 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim ; critique, poète et philosophe allemand ; 1729-1781. Oeuvre : Nathan le Sage (Nathan der Weise, poème dramatique (1779). - Représentation au Schiller-Theater de Berlin, 1955 (miseen-scène : K. H. Stroux ; comédiens : Ernst Deutsch, Sebastian Fischer, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1955 . de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Crayon sur papier, H. 0,297 ; L. 0,21. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg572245 Theater / Szenenbilder. Templer. (Szenenbild einer Berliner Theateraufführung.). Zeichnung, undatiert, von Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 x 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg570254 Götz, Curt; Schauspieler u. Schriftsteller; 1888-1960. Werke: Miniaturen (UA Wien 1958). Aufführung Berlin, Theater am Kurfürstendamm, 1987 (Insz.: Jürgen Wölffer; Darst.: Georg Thomalla, Michael Lech, Renate Holm, Arnold Marquis u. a.): Szene. Zeichnung, 1987; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg571007 Bernhard, Thomas ; écrivain autrichien ; 1931-1989. Oeuvre : Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh (Sur les sommets le repos, 1re Bochum 1981). Représentation à la Freie Volksbühne de Berlin, 1983 (mise-en-scène : Kurt Hübner ; comédiens : Ernst Schröder, Elfriede Kuzmany, Dietrich Mattausch, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1983 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg571086 Molière ; auteur dramatique français ; 1622-1673. Oeuvre : Le Misanthrope (1666). - Représentation au Magazin-Theater de Berlin, 1990 (mise-en-scène: Martin Woelffer ; comédiens : Klaus Chatten, Paul Frielinghaus, Markus Majowski entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1990 . de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre et crayon sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg571953 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von ; 1749-1832. Oeuvre : Torquato Tasso (Le Tasse ; théâtre). Représentation au Renaissance-Theater de Berlin ; 1978 (. mise-en-scène : Willi Schmidt ; interprètes : Michael Degen, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1978, de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg571912 Held, Martin Schauspieler, Berlin 11.11.1908 - ebd. 31.1.1992. Rollenbilder. Zeichnung, undat.; von Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Bleistift auf Papier 21 x 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571863 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 1729 - 1781, German writer, philosopher, dramatist, publicist and art critic. Works: Nathan the Wise, published. 1779. Berlin, Schiller Theater production. 1962 (producer: B. Barlog); Scene with Nathan (Ernst Deutsch). Drawing, 1962, by. Gert Hartung (1913-2003). Pencil on paper 29.7 × 21 cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: GERD HARTUNG. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571867 Schiller, Friedrich von ; 1759-1805. Oeuvre : Wallenstein. Représentation au Schiller-Theater de Berlin, 1957 (miseen-scène : Hans Lietzau ; décor : H. W. Lenneweit ; comédiens : Berta Drews, Walter Franck, Eva-Katharina Schultz, Lu Säuberlich, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1957 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Crayon sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571815 Theater / Szenenbilder. Orientale. (Szenenbild einer Berliner Theateraufführung.). Zeichnung, undatiert; von Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Bleistift auf Papier 21 x 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg571862 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 1729 - 1781, German writer, philosopher, dramatist, publicist and art critic. Works: Nathan the Wise, published. 1779. Berlin, Schiller Theater production,1962 (producer: B. Barlog). The Patriarch of Jerusalem (Robert. Müller). Drawing, 1962, by. Gert Hartung (1913-2003). Pencil on paper 29.7 × 21 cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Author: GERD HARTUNG. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg570431 Musset, Alfred de; franz. Dichter; 1810-1857. Werke: Man spielt nicht mit der Liebe (On ne badine pas avec l'amour; UA 1861). Aufführung Berlin, Schaubühne, 1977 (Insz.: Luc Bondy): Szenenbild. Zeichnung, 1977; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg571216 Leigh, Mitch; American composer. born 1928. Works: Man of La Mancha; musical: Book: Dale Wasserman, libretto: Joe Darion; UA. 1965. Performed in Berlin, Theater des Westens, 1983: Don Quichote (Ernst Stankovski) a. o. Drawing, 1983; by Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt pen on paper 21 × 29,7 cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg570427 Ibsen, Henrik ; poète norvégien ; 1828-1906. Oeuvre : Le Canard sauvage (1re 1885). Représentation à la Freie Volksbühne, Berlin 1979 (mise-en-scène : Rudolf Noelte ; interprètes : Kurt Hübner, Peter Fricke, Rudolf Platte, Veronika Fitz, Claudia Brunnert, Inge Keller entre autres) : scène. Feutre sur papier, 1979 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003), 21 × 29,7 cm. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg563887 Leigh, Mitch; American composer. born 1928. Works: Man of La Mancha; Musical: Book: Dale Wasserman, libretto: Joe Darion; UA. 1965. Performed in Berlin, Theater am Kurfürstendamm: Scene with Joseph Meinrad as Don Quichote. Drawing, undated, by Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt pen on paper 21 × 29,7 cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg568098 Nikolaj, Aldo; ital. Dramatiker; 1920-2004. Werke: Es war nicht die Fünfte, es war die Neunte (Non era la quinta, era la nona). Aufführung Berlin, Komödie, 1994 (Insz.: Christian Wölffer; Darst.: S. Behrens, C. Baxevanos, H. Naumann): Szene. Zeichnung, 1975. von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filz- und Bleistift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg603516 Givenchy, Hubert (James Taffin) de; French couturier and fashion designer; born 21.2.1927 Beauvais (France). Portrait. Photo, undated, c. 1960. Copyright: For editorial use only.
akg531014 Sternheim, Carl ; écrivain allemand ; 1878-1942. Oeuvre : La Culotte (comédie, 1re 1911). Représentation au Schloßpark-Theater de Berlin, 1978 (mise en scène : Boleslaw Barlog ; interprètes : L. Sonlov, L. Rau, E. Schellow, P. Matic, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1978, de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003), feutre sur papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg531090 Kleist, Heinrich von; Dichter; 1777-1811. Werke: Der zerbrochene Krug, (Komödie, 1806). Aufführung Berlin Schloßpark-Theater, 1980 (Insz.: Hans Lietzau; Darst.: B. Minetti, H. Wildt, u. a.): Szene. Zeichnung, 1980, von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg530981 Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de ; auteur dramatique français ; 1688-1763. Oeuvre : Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard (1730). Représentation au Schlosspark-Theater de Berlin (mise-en-scène : Iaroslav Chundela) : le domestique (Mark Zurmühle). Dessin, de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg530950 Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de ; auteur dramatique français ; 1688-1763. Oeuvre : Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard (1730). Représentation au Schlosspark-Theater de Berlin (mise-en-scène : Iaroslav Chundela) : scène. Dessin, de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg555372 Williamson, David; austral. Dramatiker. geb. 1942. Werke: Der Verein (Players / The Club; 1977). Aufführung Berlin Schloßpark-Theater im Hebbel-Theater, 1979 (Insz.: Ernst Seiltgen): Szene mit Carl Raddatz (li.) als Jock Riley. Zeichnung, 1979, von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg558937 Béjart, Maurice ; danseur et chorégraphe français ; 1927 - 2007. Oeuvre : Ring um den Ring (ballet ; mise-en-scène : P. Godefroid, M. Béjart ; musique : R. Wagner ; 1re Berlin 1990). Première Deuschte Oper Berlin, 7 mars 1990 : scène avec le promeneur. Dessin, 1990 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre et aquarelle sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg558927 Béjart, Maurice ; danseur et chorégraphe français ; 1927 - 2007. Oeuvre : Ring um den Ring (ballet ; mise-en-scène : P. Godefroid, M. Béjart ; musique : R. Wagner ; 1re Berlin 1990). Première Deuschte Oper Berlin, 7 mars 1990 : scène avec Siegfried, entre autres. Dessin, 1990 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre et aquarelle sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg558723 Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich Russian composer; 1840-1893. Works:. Sleeping Beauty (ballet; libretto M. Petipa & I.Vsevolozhsky; premiered 1890). Performance by Deutsche Oper Berlin, 1993. (choreogr.: P. Schaufuss; stage: Peter Sykora): set design. Drawing, 1993, by Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt tip pen on paper, 21 × 29.7cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg559520 Béjart, Maurice ; danseur et chorégraphe français ; 1927 - 2007. Oeuvre : M (ballet ; chorégraphe : M. Béjart ; musique : Toshiro Mayuzumi ; 1re 1993). Première représentation européenne ; tournée du Tokyo Ballet, Dt. Oper Berlin, 1993 : scène. Dessin, 1993 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre, fusain et aquarelle sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg559290 Danse : ballet. Pas de deux (. représentation à la Deutsche Oper de Berlin). Dessin (v. 1980/90) ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg559241 Béjart, Maurice. French choreographer and dancer; 1927-2007. Work: Kabuki. (Ballet; after the Kabuki play "Kanadehon Chushingura"; premiered 1986). Scene from the tour of the Tokyo Ballet at the Deutsche Oper Berlin, 1993 (Choreographer / Director: M. Béjart). Drawing, 1993, by Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt tip on paper 21 × 29.7 cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg557913 Wagner, Richard, Komponist, 1813-1883. Werke: Tristan und Isolde (UA 1865). Aufführung Dt. Oper Berlin, 1980 (Insz.: Götz Friedrich; Dir.: Daniel Barenboim):. Tristan (Spas Wenkoff), Isolde (Catarina Ligendza) mit Liebestrank, Brangäne. (Ruth Hesse). Zeichnung, 1980, von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg572142 Kafka, Franz ; écrivain tchèque d'expression allemande . 1883-1924. Oeuvre : Rapport pour une Académie (1917). Représentation au théâtre de l'académie des arts (Theater in der Akademie der Künste), Berlin-Ouest 1962 (mise en scène et décor : Willy Schmidt) : Klaus Kammer dans le rôle du singe. Dessin, 1962 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Crayon sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg572060 Gogol, Nicolas Vassiliévitch ; écrivain russe ; 1809-1852. Oeuvre : Le Mariage (Shenitba ; pièce de théâtre ; 1re 1842).- Scène d'une représentation berlinoise. Dessin de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre et crayon sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg571241 Hauptmann, Gerhart; Schriftsteller und Dramatiker, 1862-1946. Werke: Fuhrmann Henschel (1898). Aufführung Berlin, Freie Volksbühne, 1965 (Insz.: Erwin Piscator; Bild: Roman Weyl; Darst.: Jochen Brockmann, Angelika Hurwicz u. a.): Szenenbild. Zeichnung, 1965. von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg571154 Poiret, Jean (de son vrai nom Poiré) ; comédien, metteur-en-scène et auteur français ; 1926-1992). Oeuvre: La Cage aux folles (1re Paris 1973). Représentation au Theater am Kurfürstendamm de Berlin, 1983 (mise-en-scène: Jürgen Wölffer) : scène. Dessin, 1983 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21. ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg569897 Holz, Arno; Schriftsteller; 1863-1929. Werke: Sozialaristokraten (UA 1897). Aufführung Berlin, Schloßpark-Theater, 1980 (Insz.: Boy Gobert; Darst.: Horst Bollmann, Gudrun Genest, Christine Biniasch, Gabriel Barylli, Axel Radler u. a.): Szenenbild. Zeichnung, 1980. von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg569844 Lasker-Schüler, Else; writer, 1869-1945. Works: IchundIch (1941). - Performance, Berlin, Freie Volksbühne, 1990 (dir..: Hans Neuenfels): scene with Hermann Göring (Barbara Morawiecz, middle) a. o. Drawing, 1990; by Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt tip and pencil on paper, 21 × 29.7cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg569867 Théâtre / Variété, revue, entre autres. Cabaret "Retour au Paradis-Duo Mit-Glied" au Flöz, Berlin. Danseurs. Dessin, 1982 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,297 ; L. 0,21. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg562833 Schiller, Friedrich von, 1759-1805. Oeuvre : Don Carlos (1787). Représentation au Schiller-Theater de Berlin, 1993 (mise-en-scène : Leander Haussmann ; comédiens : E. Haussmann, S. Kühnert, D. Nocker, U. Hallant, N. Spier, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1993 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre et crayon sur papier. H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg562877 Braun, Volker; Schriftsteller, geb. 1939. Werke: Böhmen am Meer (Drama; UA Berlin 1992). Uraufführung, Berlin, Schiller-Theater, 10. März 1992 (Insz.: Thomas Langhoff; Darst.: Christian Grashof, Jutta Hoffmann, Michael Maertens u. a.): Szenenbild. Zeichnung, 1992. von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filz- und Bleistift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg563662 Hauptmann, Gerhart; Schriftsteller u. Dramatiker; 1862-1946. Werke: Die Weber. (Schauspiel, UA 1893). Aufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater, 1976 (Insz.: Hansjörg Utzerath; Darst.: Lothar Blumhagen, Maria Körber, Joachim Kerzel u. a.): Szenenbild. Zeichnung, 1976. von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg563612 Majakowski, Wladimir; russ. Dichter. 1893-1930. Werke: Wladimir Majakowski. (Tragödie, 1913). Aufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater Werkstatt, 1983 (Insz.: Hanns Zischler; Darst.: Friedrich Karl Praetorius, Holger Kepich, Klaus Mikoleit u. a.): Szene. Zeichnung, 1983; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg563610 Majakowski, Wladimir; russ. Dichter. 1893-1930. Werke: Wladimir Majakowski. (Tragödie, 1913). Aufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater Werkstatt, 1983 (Insz.: Hanns Zischler; Darst.: Friedrich Karl Praetorius, Holger Kepich, Klaus Mikoleit u. a.): Szene. Zeichnung, 1983; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg563169 Raimund, Ferdinand ; acteur et auteur dramatique autrichien ; 1790-1836. Oeuvre : Le roi des Alpes et le Misanthrope (1re Vienne 1826). Représentation au Schiller-Theater de Berlin, 1990 (mise-en-scène : Heribert Sasse) : scène avec Rappelkopf (H. Sasse). Dessin de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre et crayon sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg563164 Raimund, Ferdinand; österr. Schauspieler u. Dramatiker; 1790-1836. Werke: Der Alpenkönig und der Menschenfeind (UA Wien 1826). Aufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater, 1990 (Insz.: Heribert Sasse):. Rappelkopf (H. Sasse) mit Frau und Tochter). Zeichnung, 1990; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filz- und Bleistift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg563322 Molière, (Jean Baptiste Poquelin, dit), auteur dramatique et comédien français ; 1622-1673. Oeuvre : Don Juan (1665). Représentation au Schiller-Theater de Berlin (mise-en-scène : Patrick Guinand ; comédiens : Stefan Wigger, Lieselotte Rau, Manfred Tümmler, Ludwig Kaschke, Klaus Miedel, Rainer Pigulla entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1992 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg563331 Sternheim, Carl ; écrivain allemand ; 1878-1942. Oeuvre : 1913 (1re 1919). Représentation au Schiller-Theater de Berlin, 1979 (mise en scène : Günter Krämer ; interprètes : Martin Held, Dieter Ranspach, Christine Oberländer, Margit Carstensen, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1979, de Gerd Hartung, (1913-2003), feutre sur papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg567308 Ludwig, Volker; Schriftsteller, Theaterleiter; geb. 1937. Werke: Alles Plastik. (Theaterstück für Menschen ab 14; von V. Ludwig und Detlef Michel; UA 1981) / - Aufführung Berlin, Grips-Theater, 1981. (Insz.: Wolfgang Kolneder; Lieder: V. Ludwig): Szene. Zeichnung, 1981. von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg567321 Ludwig, Volker; Schriftsteller, Theaterleiter; geb. 1937. Werke: Alles Plastik. (Theaterstück für Menschen ab 14; von V. Ludwig und Detlef Michel; UA 1981) / - Aufführung Berlin, Grips-Theater, 1981. (Insz.: Wolfgang Kolneder; Lieder: V. Ludwig): Szene. Zeichnung, 1981. von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg567504 Isherwood, George; American actor director and writer. born 1947. Works: The Cow of Baskerville and The Picture of Dorian Gray. / - Performed in Berlin, Kleines Theater. 1983 (dir.: Joseph Siracusa; actors: G. Isherwood a. o.): Scene. Drawing, 1983; by Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt pen on paper 23,3 × 28 cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg563218 Beckett, Samuel; Irish writer, 1906-1989. Works: Waiting for Godot (1953). Production in Berlin, Schiller Theater, 1975 (Prod.: Samuel Beckett): Scene with Estragon (Horst Bollmann) or Vladimir (Stefan Wigger). Drawing, 1975; by Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Pencil on paper 21 x 29.7cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg563200 Beckett, Samuel; irischer Schriftsteller, 1906 - 1989. Werke: Warten auf Godot (1953). Aufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater, 1975 (Insz.: Samuel Beckett): Szene mit Estragon (Horst Bollmann) und Wladimir (Stefan Wigger). - / Zeichnung, 1975; von Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 x 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg569371 Verneuil, Louis; franz. Dramatiker; 1893. -1952. Werke: Staatsaffären. Aufführung Berlin, Renaissance-Theater, 1955 (Insz.: Rolf Kutschera; Bild: Kurt Paulsen): Rollenporträts der Schauspieler Friedel Schuster, Willi Maertens und Boy Gobert. / Zeichnung, 1955; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Bleistift auf Papier 29,7 × 21 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg569333 Castelli, Betrand; French producer, choreographer, painter and writer. - Portrait (made on the occasion of the premiere of the musical "Hair" in Berlin at the Musical-Theater Lehniner Platz, singed "Love and Peace, Castelli".). Drawing, 1969; by Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Felt pen on paper 29,7 × 21cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg563007 Panizza, Oskar; Schriftsteller, 1853-1921. Werke: Das Liebeskonzil (1894). - Aufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater, 1988 (Insz.: Franz Marijnen; Darst.: Angelika Thomas, Burghart Klaußner, Thomas Schendel, Bien de Moor u. a.):. Szenenbild. Zeichnung, 1988; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg563045 Arrabal, Fernando; span.-frz. Schriftsteller; geb. 1932. Werke: Der Architekt und der Kaiser von Assyrien (L'Architecte et l'Empereur d'Assyrie; 1967). / - Aufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater, 1988 (Insz.: Gabriele Jakobi):. Szenenbild. Zeichnung, 1988; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filz- und Bleistift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg563062 Ibsen, Henrik; norw. Dramatiker; 1828-1906. Werke: John Gabriel Borkman. (1896). Aufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater, 1982 (Insz.: Tom Toelle):. Szenenbild mit John Gabriel Borkman. (Martin Held) u. a. Zeichnung, 1982. von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg563403 Racine, Jean ; auteur dramatique français ; 1639-1699. Oeuvre : Britannicus (tragédie ; 1re Paris 1669). Représentation au Schiller-Theater, Berlin 1993 (mise en scène : Wolfgang Engel ; interprètes: Sylvester Groth, Jürgen Elbers, Katja Paryla, Wiebke Frost, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1993 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre et crayon sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg569207 Nestroy, Johann Nepomuk; Bühnendichter und Schauspieler; 1801 - 1862. Werke:. Der böse Geist Lumpaziusvagabundus. (1833). Aufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater, 1965 (Insz.: Edwin Zbonek; Bild: Jürgen Rose): Rollenbilder Helmut Qualtingers. Zeichnung, 1965; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Bleistift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg569283 Lohner, Helmuth (Helmut); österr. Schauspieler; Wien 24.4.1933 - ebd. 23.6.2015. Rollenbild. Zeichnung, undat.; von Gerd Hartung. (1913-2003). Bleistift auf Papier 21 x 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg562750 Raimund, Ferdinand ; acteur et auteur dramatique autrichien; 1790-1836. Oeuvre : Le Gaspilleur (féérie en 3 actes, 1re Vienne 1834). Représentation au Schiller-Theater de Berlin, 1977 (mise-en-scène : Peter Matic, décor : Andreas Reinhardt). : scène. Dessin de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg562920 Tchékhov, Anton Pavlovitch ; écrivain russe ; 1860-1904. Oeuvre : La Cerisaie (comédie, 1re 1912). Représentation au Schiller-Theater, Berlin 1978 (mise-en-scène : Hans Lietzau ; comédiens : Fritz Lichtenhahn, Susanne Altschul, Gisela Stein, entre autres) : Scène. Dessin, 1978 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg569085 Bernhard, Thomas; österr. Schriftsteller; 1931-1989. Werke: Einfach kompliziert (UA Berlin 1986). Uraufführung Berlin, Schiller-Theater, 28. Feb. 1986, (Insz.: Klaus André): Rollenbild Bernhard Minettis als Er, ein alter Schauspieler. Zeichnung, 1986, von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg563580 Rostand, Edmond; French playwriter 1868-1918. Works: Cyrano de Bergerac (Comedy, premiere 1897). Representation in Berlin, Schiller Theater, 1973 (produced by Wilfried Minks): Joachim Kemmer as Cyrano. Drawing, 1973; by von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Marker on paper 21 × 29.7cm. Private Collection. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. For editorial use only.
akg563582 Rostand, Edmond ; auteur dramatique français ; 1868-1918. Oeuvre : Cyrano de Bergerac (comédie historique, 1re 1897). Représentation au Schiller-Theater, Berlin 1973 (mise-en- scène : Wilfried Minks) : Joachim Kemmer dans le rôle de Cyrano. Dessin, 1973 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier H. 0,21 ; L. 0,29. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg564047 Tchékhov, Anton Pavlovitch ; écrivain russe ; 1860-1904. Oeuvre : Platonov (1re 1959). - Première allemande, Freie Volksbühne, Berlin 1978 (mise en scène : Luc Bondy ; interprètes : Rosel Zech, Nikolaus Haenel, Jutta Hoffmann, Peter Fitz, entre autres) : scène. Dessin, 1978 ; de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images.
akg564060 Lenz, Jakob Michael Reinhold; Dichter. 1751-1792. Werke: Der Hofmeister (1774). Bearbeitung von Bertolt Brecht, 1951. /. - Aufführung Berlin, Freie Volksbühne, 1988 (Insz.: Ulrich Heising; Darst.: Robert Hunger-Bühler, Ulrich Haß, Lilian Naef u. a.): Szene. Zeichnung, 1988; von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filz- und Bleistift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg567979 Chodorow, Jerome; US-amerikan. Bühnenautor; 1911-2004. Werke: Phantastische Nacht. Aufführung Berlin, Theater am Kurfürstendamm, 1976 (Insz.: Jürgen Wölffer; Darst.: Günter Pfitzmann, Anaid Iplicjian, Carlos Werner, Inken Sommer u. a.): Szenenbild. Zeichnung, 1976. von Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Filzstift auf Papier 21 × 29,7 cm. Privatsammlung. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg542106 Mrozek, Slawomir ; écrivain et auteur dramatique polonais ; né en 1930. Oeuvre: L'Ambassade (Ambasador ; 1982). Première représentation allemande au Schlosspark-Theater, Berlin, 5 février. 1982 (mise-en-scène : Tom Toelle) : l'. ambassadeur (B. Gobert) et le réfugié (M . Altmann). Dessin, 1982, de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003), Feutre sur papier, Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg542167 Sternheim, Carl ; écrivain allemand ; 1878-1942. Oeuvre : Schippel le Bourgeois (comédie, 1re 1913). Représentation au Schiller-Theater de Berlin, 1980 (mise en scène : Jürgen Thormann) : Peter Matic en Paul Schippel. Dessin, 1980, de Gerd Hartung, (1913-2003), feutre sur papier, 21 × 29,7 cm. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: For editorial use only. Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions.
akg542264 Racine, Jean ; auteur dramatique français ; 1639-1699. Oeuvre : Phèdre (1677). Représentation au Schlosspark-Theater de Berlin, 1984 (mise-en-scène : Ernst Wendt) : scène avec Gerd Silberbauer en Hippolyte et Gerhard Friedrich en Theramène. Dessin, 1984, de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier, H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.
akg542277 Molière ; auteur dramatique et comédien français ; 1622-1673. Oeuvre : L'Avare (1668). Représentation au Schlosspark-Theater de Berlin, 1978 (mise-en-scène : Willi Schmidt) : scène avec Erich Schellow (à g.) dans le rôle d'Harpagon. Dessin, 1978 de Gerd Hartung (1913-2003). Feutre sur papier H. 0,21 ; L. 0,297. Collection particulière. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Copyright: Gerd Hartung's artistic copyright cleared via akg-images. This artwork is not in the public domain. akg-images represents the artistic copyright of this artist, please contact us from more information and to clear the necessary permissions. For editorial use only.

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